Wage and Hour: Case Study

Case Summary

In the case of Johnson et. al. v. York Claims, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant York Claims denied its employees the overtime benefits due under California’s wage and hour laws. The plaintiffs argued that they had not been paid the appropriate rate of pay for overtime worked, had not received overtime pay for overtime worked, and had failed to receive accurate wage statements.

Our analysis of the overtime damages for the plaintiffs in this case was performed in two stages. In the first stage, we worked in conjunction with a survey expert to design and administer a survey to the class members. The telephone survey was administered by an outside group, and the anonymized survey results were provided to our firm. Our statistical analysis of the survey results included tests of non-response bias, tests for differences between survey participants, and tests of the accuracy of the estimates.

In the second stage, we utilized the survey results to determine the class members’ average unpaid overtime hours performed per week. Our analysis also took into account the PAGA penalties determined by the California Labor Codes. Dr. Steward provided deposition testimony and testified live in trial regarding these issues.

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Our Wage and Hour Work

We work with wage and hour plaintiff and defense attorneys across the country on a range of wage and hour projects.
We analyze allegations including improper time clock rounding, FLSA violations, misclassification, off-the-clock work, and missed meal periods.